The global market of the cut flower is in continuous expansion and interested in innovation. Sanremo, being an area of production has always stood out both in Italy and the rest of the world for the constant variety research. The continuous request for new colours on behalf of important customers like Germany, Switzerland, France and Holland unites the requirement of always being updated, for the development of a product like the Clone Ranunculus is having in new areas which are facing intense growth.
The range of colours is indeed very wide; next to the traditional colours like red, white, pink, orange and yellow, now it’s possible to find Ranunculus with nuances that go from white speckled purple to burgundy, from face powder pink to fuchsia up to salmon. With all these innovations we reach a total of about 40 varieties.
The most appreciated and requested on the market are mainly the white and pale pink ones but as a productive company we can confirm that during the last years, the availability of a wide range of colours able to satisfy any client throughout the entire season assumes increasing importance. For example, pastel colours have been a strong growing trend during the last years and the entire production chain of the territory, research, manufacturing and trade move in the right direction in order to anticipate and satisfy the needs of an ever changing market.
Precisely in Italy in particular in Sanremo and the “Riviera dei Fiori” , Biancheri Creations® has chosen new variety ranges such as the product line Elegance® and the product line Success®, the so-called “clones”, characterized by the larger dimensions of the flower and by a wider variety of colours; the last represent the avantgarde of research in the floriculture sector for this type of plant. Each year the research is aimed at improving the existing varieties and producing new shades.
Our company work day after day to increase the range of products we offer and satisfy the requests of the most demanding customers.