The concept of disease

In plant pathology it is not easy to give a definition of the meaning of disease which is fully satisfactory and that includes all the aspects that may be involved (health status, affected organs, origin of the disease….). In general, a plant which has one or more of its normal physiological functions altered as a result of the action of biotic or abiotic factors can be considered sick. Diseases can be divided into two large categories: parasitic diseases, caused by living organisms or parasites such as fungi, bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses….

Most of these agents can cause infectious diseases, that is, transmissible from plant to plant; and non-parasitic diseases, physiopathies or phytotoxicity caused by various abiotic factors such as: environmental imbalance unsuitable cultural/pedological conditions; phytotoxic and pesticide substances.

The aspects to consider for a correct defense of the Ranunculus are during the summer period, this is the ideal moment to make improvements and basic interventions in the land which will be used for the Ranunculus, a rhizomatous herbaceous plant which prefers soils characterized by a pH close to 6,5 – 7, a low level of salinity, a good supply of organic matter and good drainage.

On the basis of these needs, here at the La Marca Flowers we take into consideration the following aspects: the choice of the site to be used for cultivation, of which the position, exposure, type and structure of the soil must be considered; the type of shading to be adopted in the early stages of cultivation to lower the temperature (generally we use black shading nets).

It is important that throughout the early stages of growth, the Ranunculus plants have adequate supplies of phosphorus, to ensure adequate development of the root system, and magnesium, to prevent yellowing that may arise following periods with elevated temperatures and/or imbalances in watering.

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