Floriculture is an extremely diversified sector, consisting of hundreds of kinds of plants grown in different ways such as greenhouses, in the open air and above ground level.
It represents by far the most important sector of agriculture in the Ligurian Region (70%) and maintains a relevant position at the national level in the production of cut flowers.
For some years now, moreover, the production in western Liguria has been influenced by unusual climatic trends, which have favoured both the outbreak of new diseases and the aggravation of some local diseases considered so far to be of secondary importance (such as rot from Oomycota and the powdery mildew). Finally, it should not be forgotten that modern floriculture tends to become more and more specialized and intensive, often relying on monoculture, all aspects which favour the alteration of natural biological balances creating favourable conditions for increasing the virulence of pathogens.
The floricultural sector is therefore extremely dynamic also from a phytopathological point of view, and the Clone Ranunculus, as I will explain in this article, is an example.
Here at the La Marca Flowers, in order to obtain products of high commercial value, we always try to adopt a defensive criteria that guarantees maximum effectiveness in protecting the aesthetics of the product, given that the presence of even minimal defects can cause depreciation if not even the non-marketability.
Following the progressive increase in consumer and producer sensitivity towards aspects such as safety and hygiene, in addition to economic-social and ecological needs, attention is increasing also towards strategies that minimize the use of chemical means, which still plays an important role and is one of the main factors of competitiveness. Therefore, we make sure here in the company that the use of crop protection products is carried out responsibly and following favourable agricultural procedures, in order to be able to use them in the long term without causing undesirable effects on humans and the environment. In order to meet these different and conflicting needs, we monitor and supervise the crops from the earliest stages of the plant, to identify adversities as soon as they appear and estimate their degree of danger. To do this, it is necessary to possess good diagnostic skills in order to identify the agents of alterations, the environmental factors by which they are influenced and how they can affect the outcome of the crop.
Furthermore, we define defense programs based on the integration of different means and strategies (resistant cultivars, physical, agronomic means) and we constantly update ourselves, in order to use the means of defense correctly, in particular the crop protection products that are subject to a continuous revision of the rules governing its use.
Our company works day after day to satisfy the requests of our customers in the best way, even the most demanding ones.
For any information please do not hesitate to contact us and come and visit us to discover all the varieties we deal with and which we take care of every day with passion and commitment.