Spring is about to fill almost all the Ligurian Riviera with colour. Green houses will overfill with flowers which will get sold as cut flowers at the Market of Sanremo and all over the world as a product of high quality Made in Italy.
At the La Marca Flowers Company we unceasingly work to guarantee our customers with a variety of high quality Clone Success Ranunculus and Mistral Plus Anemones, supplied by the Biancheri Creazioni and Brea.
In this period of the year both colours and flowers at disposal increase and this leads us to produce even more bunches, also of assorted colours which nicely fill the atmosphere and give a touch of colour and which also portray the colours typically found in Spring.
Even so bunches of flowers of one colour only are ever-present like pink, white, red and orange together with the variety of Clone Ponpon Ranunculus.
The great quantity of flowers leads to an increase in working hours and effort but we don’t allow this to dishearten us because all our work is based on a great passion for this profession, contributing therefore only to satisfaction and important targets.

One of these pleasures is that every day we are able to consign fresh and high quality products to the market of cut flowers together with the fact that each year we continue to expand as a company and as beings.
Days are getting longer and we are already thinking about what will come next such as the period in which we plant tomatoes and courgettes (zucchini), the basil planting season and the subsequent harvest.
But maybe we are thinking too ahead and should enjoy this so desired period more but which as soon as it arrives goes by so rapidly that it merely seems an instant.
For further information don’t hesitate to contact us.