Anemones, flowers of the wind!

In the gallery of the winter flowers, the moment has come to dedicate some time to the Mistral Plus Anemone, a shy flower at first glance.

The shape in which they open recalls the pirouette of a dancer with a light skirt in almost transparent veil; in fact when it has finally blossomed, the Anemone reveals all its magnificence with light petals with very intense colours. We go from pure white, perfect for a winter bouquet to bright red, ideal for Christmas and Valentine’s Day, to the timeless elegance of burgundy, to intense fuchsia ending with mysterious blue-violet.

This plant gets cultivated in less varieties than the Clone Success® Anemones, but this does not mean that the blooms are less beautiful or less significant on an ornamental level.

The Anemone is a herbaceous plant with an ancient and fascinating history; it belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and is native to South Africa and South America, where it is also called “Flower of the wind” due to the delicacy of its calyx.

They are very delicate flowers, whose flowering lasts for a short time, but thanks to their great variety, they are used for numerous decorative purposes.

The elegance of the Anemone means that it is particularly appreciated for the use of wedding arrangements, festivities and, in particular, as a cut flower in bridal bouquets.

They don’t have a particularly intense scent, but on the other hand they have bright colours that convey a great impact.

Being fragile flowers, they require very precise atmospheric and soil conditions, in fact they need shading, fresh and light soil and acidic or neutral soil.

Anemones generally bloom in the intermediate seasons, times of the year when the climate is more temperate.

The singular beauty of the flower is associated with the concept of fleeting hope and waiting, but also with a love that ended too soon, so its intrinsic symbolism is almost one of resignation to a near end of a beautiful but short-lived feeling.

The meaning of this flower doesn’t make it suitable to be a gift for the beloved woman, but it can be an excellent decorative element thanks to its bright and intense colours, which extinguish its sad symbology, colouring the environment with vivacity.

Thanks to these characteristics, the Anemone is a flower that is increasingly in demand and appreciated by the market: La Marca Flowers boasts among its production various types of Anemones, including the variety of Anemones Mistral Plus®, considered to be an excellence. The bulbs, supplied by the Biancheri Creations Company, are planted in August and their harvest begins in early autumn, continuing until April.

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