In the last years the production of Clone Ranunculus and Anemones in the Ligurian Riviera has grown thanks to an intense interest from abroad and this has offered new force and vitality to a branch and territory which was in strong crisis... Read more
Category: Flower production
Producing Cut flowers, Ranuncoli from Clone Success® and Anemoni Mistral Plus®, is increasingly a challenge season after season. The climate of Sanremo, in the Ligurian Riviera, undoubtedly favors us, but the rules on environmental... Read more
For the La Marca Flowers, increasing the duration of the Ranunculus Clones after harvesting is a key factor which determines the quality of the actual flower and allows the customers to always more appreciate our products. Even though... Read more
Everyday the La Marca Company produces thousands of flowers for both national and international markets. This intense production involves a considerable employment of resources and materials and as a company we are equipping and... Read more
The ranunculus cultivated throughout the world are fruit of nature and hybridisation in order to achieve ever more large and coloured flowers. Companies such as “Biancheri Creations“, well-known for the homogeneity of their colours and dimensions,... Read more