Yellow,orange: colours and scents of Spring
The season of Clone Ranunculus and cut Anemones at the La Marca Flowers is reaching the end and with it also the great flowerings which are typical of Spring in the Ligurian Riviera.
But for the moment our cut flowers are still present, overflowing Sanremo and surroundings with a lot of colours of various shades and scents which fill us with a sense of happiness.
In this period the primary colours at the La Marca Flowers Company are yellow and orange, coming from the selection of Success Clone Ranunculus supplied by the Biancheri Creazioni and Brea.
They are both sunny colours which induce cheerfulness in who observes them and in who are in contact with them during the day. Yellow throughout history has had a meaning of rebirth, health and positivity whereas orange symbolises trust, creativity and harmony. Together they therefore create an atmosphere which emanates serenity and assurance arousing creativity and growth. Bringing a fresh and daily product, of high quality and quantity into our customers’ houses fills us with satisfaction above all, even if at this moment we cannot enjoy it in company.
Easter is arriving and if we usually gather with the people we care about, maybe this year it won’t be possible. Creating a light hearted atmosphere of happiness and serenity can originate from simple things like a bunch of flowers on a piece of furniture or even on the dining table. Taking care of the people we are fond of can really begin from very little, without having to make an effort to do great gestures or obvious demonstrations. A simple bunch of flowers with its colours and scents is enough to start off our days at the best.