White Clone Ranunculus

The different combinations at the La Marca Flowers

More and more anemones and ranunculus get bought as cut flowers for arrangements for bride bouquets and wedding adornments. It is commonly known that the “Riviera dei Fiori” attracts many couples from all over Italy, who choose our area to celebrate their wedding with an intense aesthetic component, offered by the presence of the sea and a characteristic Ligurean atmosphere.

In this way the flowers of Sanremo not only enhance the local characteristics of the ceremony but also the decorative and aesthetic aspect. Each couple that decide to celebrate their wedding day choosing our Clone Success Ranunculus and our Mistral Plus Anemones not only decide to find the quality that our company has been offering for years, but they also receive a wide range of colours and tones according to what better matches the essence of the couple.

Combined with the traditional white ranunculus, like the “Firenze”, one can combine several different shades of pink, from the pale shades like the Hanoi variety to the more intense colours like the “Lady”. Instead for brighter colours, one can opt for yellow, red or speckled colours like the “Cappuccino” “Viola” and “Antoine” varieties. Whereas amongst the varieties of the Anemones definitely the “Tiger” the “White” and the two “Edge” varieties.

In conclusion, amongst the multitude of colours and shade present in our company, each couple will be able to find the right colour to celebrate their love. We can simply suggest to visit our website and look for the varieties of Ranunculus or Anemones in our Gallery which you prefer.