Ranunculus and Anemones cut flowers require a lot of care in order for them to grow, but it all starts with a good root system!
Soil is very important for plants. Roots get water and other nutrients from it which are necessary for growth.
Each type of soil has its own characteristics and a specific endowment of mineral elements and organic matter. Here at the La Marca Flowers, cultivating both in and out of soil with substrates based on expanded perlite and coconut fiber, we carefully monitor the analysis values of the various substrates, periodically performing water and soil sampling.
In agriculture it is essential to know the characteristics of your soil, fundamental for Ranunculus and Anemones, also providing stability and support and profoundly influencing their growth and final yield.
Soil analysis is a fundamental tool for developing a correct fertilization plan, and for increasing production (both quantitatively and qualitatively), detecting and correcting any deficiencies, imbalances, excesses or anomalies in time.
For correct sampling, it is necessary to identify a homogeneous plot, following a random path and avoiding anomalous areas, for example edges or near ditches; after eliminating the superficial part, holes are made at different depths, in relation to the type of crop and the soil subsamples are collected. Subsequently the samples are mixed, eliminating plant residues, if present. From the homogeneous mass, approximately 1kg is obtained which is then placed into a labelled bag.
Our company works day after day to best satisfy customer requests, extending the concept of quality to post-harvest processing techniques and product enhancement in light of the considerations set out above.
As always, we invite you to visit our Gallery in order to always stay up to date. For any doubts or clarifications please do not hesitate to contact us, we remain at your complete disposal.